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  • ryanmcase

Why industry experience brings value to recruiting

Updated: Feb 15

Candidate credibility

Working in the plastics industry for 20 years provides great insight into the world of the candidate.  Throughout my career I have worked the jobs or worked with the jobs I am recruiting.  This insight, allows me to have a depth of understanding of the role and into the candidates experiences.  This provides better candidates for the hiring company to choose.


Speaking a technical language allows me to ask and understand deeper question and answering for screening the candidate. This opens up topics about materials, industries or job functions that are important experiences to the hiring company.  From a candidates perspective, speaking with someone who knows that they are sharing develops connection and trust.  Having been on the candidates side of the phone with recruiters countless times in my career, it always bothered me when recruiters couldn’t answer basic questions and were clearly reading off of a script.  This connection is great for understanding experiences, but also becomes as asset when positioning the role with the candidate.  Where do they want it to go? What skills are they looking to develop? Where do they want to take their lives?  In this hiring market, where candidates have multiple opportunities, positioning the role in a way that meets the needs of the candidate is critical.   I've had candidates tell me over and over again, this is a different kind of conversation that I typically have with the recruiter. 

Hiring Company value

Hiring the right candidate is difficult. Experience allows me to ask a greater depth of question to really understand the role prior to starting a search. This is used not only in connection with the candidate as well as developing a value proposition for the role and organization. It is a buyers' market and having a good value proposition for the role greatly increases my response rate when sourcing candidates.

Please contact me if you’d like to discuss further how my experience can provide you value.

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