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  • ryanmcase

"I wasn't interested until I talked to you"

Transcript below:

Recently I had a new client reach out to me was having trouble filling a role with recruited they were using it they weren't having any success. There was a great role. Great company, great opportunity, great technology.

I was able to get them somebody within two weeks, but for three candidates I hired one. I had a very interesting experience around this thing where I talked to a candidate, ultimately not one they hired, who had talked to the other recruiter and he said, "I was not interested in this opportunity, until I've talked to you."

My industry experience of 20 years that I worked, selling resin, selling molding, buying plastic and being an engineer. I really understand the markets, the roles the opportunities for people, and I can clearly express what is the opportunity for that candidate with this role.

We all know that the hiring landscape has changed dramatically. People that I talked to who are looking for jobs, and I bring them roles. They have two or three things in the pipeline by the time I get to them, it's so competitive.

If you don't have a recruiter who can clearly communicate the opportunity in conversation, hearing what they have to say relating to it, understanding it and being able to fit the value proposition of the role in the company. Then you may miss out on a great candidate.

How many candidates are recruiters who don't have industry experience missing out because they can't clearly communicate the value proposition or can't clearly communicate the opportunity.

Many times a recruiting agency will have a screener to then give a candidate to the lead recruiter before interviewing with the company. You might lose their interest or to another opportunity. It's a fast moving market.

I would love to take my industry experience in my recruiting skills and put them to work for you to help you fill your roles for your company so that you can be successful. Please reach out to me thank you

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